PICASSO: a PI-CAlculus-based Static SOftware analyzer


The main contributors to Picasso are:

We also thank the following people for contributing indirectly to the development of Picasso, e.g. by giving new ideas and feedback: Among them: Kshitij Bansal, Shahram Esmaeilsabzali, Eric Koskinen, and Rupak Majumdar.


Here is a list of publication about the methods used in Picasso or implemented on top of Picasso.

K. Bansal, E. Koskinen, T. Wies, and D. Zufferey. Structural counter abstraction. In TACAS, 2013.

K. Bansal, E. Koskinen, T. Wies, and D. Zufferey. Structural counter abstraction. Technical Report TR2012-947, New York University, 2012. [pdf]

D. Zufferey, T. Wies, and T. A. Henzinger. Ideal abstractions for well-structured transition systems. In VMCAI, 2012. [pdf] [slides]

T. Wies, D. Zufferey, and T. A. Henzinger. Forward analysis of depth-bounded processes. In FOSSACS, 2010. [pdf] [slides]

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