The lecture will be given in English by Daniel Neider and Damien Zufferey and the tutorials by Simin Oraee. Furthermore, Ivan Gavran (Last year's TA) might do a few lectures when other people are travelling.
The dates and rooms of the lecture are:
Lecture: Monday, 11:45 - 13:15, room 48-453.
Lecture: Friday, 11:45 - 13:15, room 48-453.
Tutorial: the tutorials are scheduled on Wednesday from 17:15 to 18:45 in the MPI building room 113 (Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 26, 1st floor).
Exercise sheets:
Published on this page on Tuesdays
Solutions due before the following Tuesday morning
Hand in solutions in groups up to 3 people
Send your solutions by email to Simin Oraee in pdf, markdown, or text format (along with code if any).
There will be an oral exam.
To be admitted, you have to fulfil the following requirements:
60 percent of your exercises have to be marked by a plus (useful answer).
You have to present some of your exercise solutions on the board.
Dates: end of February / beginning of March (we will organize a poll over emails)
We are trying to group the exams during the following two weeks: (1) Feb 25 - Mar 1 and (2) Mar 25 - Mar 29.
If you have not already done so, please send the week you would like to participate in the exam to Damien.
Questions: You will pick three questions at random from a pool and keep two
Preparation: You will have half an hour to think about the question and prepare. You will have access to the course material during that time.
Examination: The examination will last half an hour in which you will discuss the question and we will ask further questions/clarifications.
The *.md files are in the Markdown format with some extensions for math formula and graphs. The encoding is UTF-8 to get the math characters. Due to the extensions, it is recommended to view the files with the link below. If you want to view the notes offline you need to:
Clone the repository.
Run a local web server in the root folder of the repository (for instance: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080).
View the notes through a browser (
Bonus exercises 3,
solutions: ex 1.
The exercise about reframing subtyping as an alternating refinement/simulation relations turned out to be more complicated than expected.
I suppose we can see this as an exploration of the trade-off between strong result on restricted framework and a weaker result on more general framework.